Full-Day Four Year Olds



The Pre-K classroom utilizes The Creative Curriculum® in its classrooms. This curriculum is a comprehensive, research based, and nationally recognized curriculum that emphasizes effective teaching as the primary tool in helping children achieve learning outcomes. This curriculum offers developmentally appropriate programs that support active learning and promote children’s progress in all developmental areas.  Emphasis is placed on social interaction and emotional growth. Children learn to follow a series of directions and to do so independently, where-by gaining the confidence they will need for Kindergarten.



The daily schedule provides a balance of intentional teaching moments and instruction, as well as quiet and active play. Below is a sample schedule of a typical day in a Pre-K classroom. Schedule will vary depending on teacher and child preferences, class time duration, and school building schedules. Schedules specific to each classroom will be displayed in each classroom for both children and adults to see.


The start and finish times of the full-day program aligns with the start and finish times of the elementary program. This is intentionally planned for the convenience of families that may have other children attending Holmes Elementary. The full day program will run for a total time of seven hours.

Class                 Days                        Times                                Location

Full Day            M-TH                        9:00 am-3:30 pm              Classroom 2
