Having trouble registering on iPhone or iPad?

If you’re having trouble completing online registration on your iPhone or iPad, it’s Safari’s fault. We can help! Follow these steps and you’ll be good to go: Go into Settings  Scroll down to Safari  Tap Privacy & Security Toggle off  1)...

Open Gym is back!

Beginning Oct 1, 2020, a phased reopening of Open Gym will start in the West Gym at the Y. Please note the following hours and restrictions to maintain capacity limits and health standards.  Hours Monday – Friday: 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM to 12:00...

New – After School Program Added

THRIVE | AT THE Y has expanded again to support children and families in the Tri-Cities. We now offer after-school care for 5 – 12-year-olds with all the same elements as the full day THRIVE program. This includes: independent study time for completing homework,...
We’re open!

We’re open!

Welcome back! We can’t wait to see everyone back at the Y. We’re reopening in a way that is safe and smart. To stay up to speed on what’s available and when it’s available, visit our Reopening Guide and get on our mailing list by emailing Kelly...

Join us for an Outdoor Spin-a-thon!

Come pedal for a purpose and help us raise much needed funds! For just $10 you can ride under the blue skies of Grand Haven on August 29th and help us raise money for programs like Safety Around Water that provides drowning prevention to hundreds of school-age kids...